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2006-08-11 - 12:33 p.m.

An old argument given another going-over saw me delete all of my old entries. (Not that this is any great loss.) The 'discussion' of diaries and blogs and what purpose they serve was the basic thrust of an increasingly fraught conversation, and although i spend large chunks of my days surfing aimlessly around both i can't summon an adequate defense of either keeping an online diary or reading other people's. I guess the only thing i can say about why i keep one is that sometimes i feel like writing something just to stave off boredom, i don't have my diary with me, and even if i did i couldn't sit at my desk and write in a book. I can however type this in Word, and look as though I'm working...=oD It's a two-birds-with-one-stone deal...

So no personal info, and no talking about people in my life that might not want to be discussed on the internet.

So in the past 24 hours: I had my eyebrows waxed, which is so not noteworthy except i'm horrendously lazy when it comes to plucking, and as i hadn't tweezered in over a month i bit the bullet and paid �7.50 for somebody to sort them out. 5 minutes later i had Hollywood eyebrows, and I'm officially a convert =oD I had my hair done (sporting extreme red patches around my newly-waxed brows), also not news-worthy but it had been a year since i last got it done, and I was rivalling Mary-Kate in the scraggy-hair, Cousin It department. I had an exhibition of my work open in the City Centre, where i had to have photos taken; the stuff nightmares are made of (thank Christ for my new hair and brow combo). I'm so ambivilent about having my work in public though - I appreciate it a great deal when people tell me how good it is, but i hate networking and selling myself. I'm just so, so bad at it and all i can do at openings is clutch my wineglass and try very hard to absorb what people are saying to me and try to respond. I find it all so stressful, and maybe that's why i don't pursue it with any great gusto. I still don't FEEL it - this work is kind of easy for me, churned out but not a labour of artistic love: yup, I'm an ingrate. And kind of a fake.

When I finally move into my own house, I'll have a room to use as a studio again, and I can paint, be creative. It's hard to be artistic when everything you own is in boxes and you and your partner are living in one room.

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